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Benefits of Extravirgin olive oil 


Benefici dell' Olio Extravergine di olivaOlive oil is Certainly one of the best condiments available in Mediterranean cuisine, not only in terms of taste, but for ITS Also beneficial effects in our diet.



Some benefits of olive oil:

- Has an effective anti-inflammatory and stimulates different organs, In Particular, Helps the pancreas to produce more digestive enzymes, and has a positive effect on the gall bladder mucosa, That the lines inside of the stomach and Increases the production of bile;

- It contains vitamins (K, A, D and E), carotenoids and phenolic compounds, which effectively protect Against free radicals and skin aging;

- It helps to remove all Substances That Promote the proliferation of cancer cells, two to the polyphenol content;

- Protects the unit rate, Lowering blood cholesterol levels

- is recommended in cases of gastritis and ulcers;

- Stimulates gastric secretion Promoting better digestion and better absorption of calcium;

- Regulates the intestinal functions, mild laxative effect in HAVING.

- Olive oil is raised easily digested and only 90 calories a teaspoon Provides, fat-soluble vitamins contained in vegetables are assimilated by the body only in the presence of oil.

Which Olive Oil to choose?

Spremitura a freddoDefinitely the best oil is extra virgin olive oil Obtained by cold pressing and According To Traditional methods, as it is without alteration.The oils are distinguished According to the percentage of Oleic acid, the extra-virgin olive oil of excellent quality is Usually a percentage of Oleic Acid, less than 2%.

How to store it?

Contact with light, oxygen and free fatty acids, the oil can be affected, so it is advisable to keep it in dark glass bottles (or light-tight containers), and at a temperature Between 10 and 20 degrees.

The extra-virgin olive oil in cooking

Olio Extravergine di oliva fruttato per condire la zuppa di pesce The extra-virgin olive oil is fruity hints of almond When Submitting defines and pine nuts has a sweet, delicate flavor, not cover the flavor of the dishes, making it ideal for salads or carpaccio of fish, boiled vegetables, pizza, fish soup, mushroom , fried.




Olio extravergine di oliva leggermente fruttato per le bruschetteThe average fruity extra virgin olive oil, it tastes bitter and spicy Slightly and is great for soup, vegetable soup, vegetables, fish, white meat, artichokes, asparagus, garlic bread and sauces.





Olio extravergine di oliva dolce ideale per carni grigliateThe extra-virgin olive oil has an intense sweet and spicy notes characteristic of Decided and loving enough, Such as, can cover the taste of the dishes, it is recommended, Therefore, to use it in soups, boiledvegetables, grilled meats and fish.




Olio extravergine di oliva intenso e deciso ideale con il pesce spadaFinally, extra virgin olive oils and decided intense, herbaceous aroma and strong taste, bitter and spicy taste tend to completely cover the pot, so is best used raw to flavor salads, meat in general, swordfish and tuna .



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