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Oleificio Cooperativo Coldiretti S.c.a.r.l.

The company "Oleovinicola Coldiretti Trigg Co (Bari)"born in 1966 at the initiative of twenty promoting members, farmers with the aim to support and develop the economy olivinicola in Triggiano.The cooperative is experiencing a continuous growth that exceeds all expectations for both volumes of pressed olives for the growth of the number of members. The old seat becomes inadequate for the limited operating space available for the age of the plant.So you decide to change locations and in 2004 he built the new headquarters of the cooperative located on the outskirts of the village with funds obtained from the POR-Puglia and the proceeds from the sale of the old mill.


Extra Virgin Ollive Oli D.O.P. " Terra di bari"


Logo AssoproliAll cooperatives in the province of Bari, including our own, adhere to the "ASSOPROLI BARI".This association has founded the "Association for the promotion and protection of extra virgin olive oil with protected designation of origin land of Bari", to which our oil mill has joined.In parallel with the production of Extra Virgin Olive Oils traditional, we have added the extra virgin olive oil DOP, our members who have joined the initiative, cultivate olives with the standards imposed by the disciplinary regional production of "Consortium DOP Terra di Bari," in special land suited to olive production.The olives are ground in maximum 24 hours from collection and subsequently issue an Extra Virgin Olive Oil of excellence that has characteristics of certified and protected by the Region of Puglia and the Chamber of Commerce of Bari in EC Reg 867/08 under the program.



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