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Our New Mill

The factory has two modern production lines in a continuous loop, made ​​of stainless steel to ensure the hygiene and freshness of the oil produced.

The production system is a mix between tradition and innovation, in fact, conferred the olives are selected by the members, defoliated, washed and pressed with millstones made ​​of granite which breaks the cold olives and produce a thin paste, from which later, after centrifugation, flows the fragrant "extra Virgin Olive Oil" that cold worked retains all the organoleptic and olfactory welfare benefits to the food.

Stabilimento Olivinicola Coop Triggiano

Moderni impianti per la produzione di olio extra vergine di oliva

Le olive vengono lavorate a freddo mediante procedimenti meccanici

Impianti per la produzione dell'olio di oliva

Macchinari moderni e metodi antichi



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